As we continue through these unprecedented times, finding creative ways to safely interact with friends and family is a necessity. Virtual watch parties and game nights are fun and all, but sometimes it’s nice to hang out in person. This is why patios are a perfect solution.

Hosting a small get together on your patio is perfect. You get to be outside and you can safely distance while still having fun with your loved ones. But what if your patio doesn’t look like the designated hang out spot?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Let’s jump into some ways you can make your patio the patio.

Upkeep and Repairs

First, you want to take a look at the current status of your patio. Does it look clean? Are there weeds everywhere?

The first thing you want to do is pull out and remove all of the weeds that are ravaging the patio. If you leave them there, not only will it make your patio look unkempt, but it’ll show you didn’t put in any effort to make the patio look nice.

After this, you want to wash the patio. The best way to do this is to remove everything on the patio and then bust out your power washer. Whether you have a hardwood patio, stone patio, or a concrete patio, hosing it down with a power washer will rid of any dirt, stains, and other unwanted substances.

After washing your patio, don’t move everything back yet. Find any cracks, chips, dents, or structural issues and fix them. It’s a definite way to improve your patio, leaving it clean, pristine, and ready for hosting.

If you have furniture, examine it carefully and see if it needs any repairs. Even if the furniture is fine structurally, look at it aesthetically. If it doesn’t look nice or it clearly looks old, it may be time to get new patio furniture and reinvent the look of your patio.

Settle on a Design

Now, before you get new furniture and accessories you want to sit down and settle on a design.

Doing this will put the finished image of your patio in your head, making it easier to find furniture and accessories. Your design would include a color scheme and basic patterns.


Picking your patio furniture is an important task. It’ll dictate not only how nice your patio looks, but also the comfort level of your guests.

Be sure to sit on the furniture you’re looking at. By doing this, you’ll be able to judge how comfortable the furniture is.


The final installment in your quest to improving your patio is accessorizing. What counts as accessories here?

Well, almost everything except the furniture. We’re talking lights, plants, any decals you find.

What accessories you get is completely dependent on you. Just make sure you like it and it fits within the design you were going for. If you aren’t sure where to start, look at some succulents. As far as lighting goes, fairy lights are always a win.

The Patio of Your Dreams

With this guide, improving your patio has never been easier. Once it’s done, you can share the patio of your dreams with your friends and family for years to come. Just don’t forget to take care of it!

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